The 3 Types Of Shots In Pickleball You Should NEVER Miss

Whether you’re looking to level up or be more consistent in your pickleball game, there are many types of shots in pickleball that you must know. But there are three fundamental shots that you absolutely must master and (almost) never miss. The reason why these three types of shots in pickleball are so important is that you either give up the point or give up the opportunity to get points.

The 3 Types Of Shots In Pickleball You Should NEVER Miss

Getting The Service In

To play a game of pickleball, it is no secret that you must know how to serve. You may be surprised (or not) how often players do not get their service in consistently. This carries even among the pro players. But without getting your services in, you or your team will never have the opportunity to get any points.

That is why it is so important to include serving in your drilling sessions or to practice serving during your warm-ups. In order to be consistent, it is helpful to have a certain routine before serving. Whether that is to take the same breathwork or footwork at every single service. It also helps to say the score first before you execute the serve.

Many people can fumble their serves if they’re talking (saying the score) while serving. You will also want to face the direction and aim for an area each time that you’re serving. When you’re hitting shots intentionally, you will be able to have better shots. Establish a mini routine for yourself when serving. You may be surprised at the consistency you will have.

Service Return

Another shot that you should not miss is the service return. This can be easier said than done. Especially at higher levels where different spins may be used in the service against you. Like serving, service returns should be part of your warming up and drilling sessions.

What can get tricky about service returns is that different people have different styles when it comes to their service. To better your chances with a good service return, keep your eyes on the ball and look for the maximum height of the ball after bounce. When your paddle makes contact with the ball, make sure your paddle face is ever so slightly up so that you do not hit the ball into the net.

You want to give yourself plenty of room from the baseline. This is in case the service is deep. It is better and safer to be further back and lunge forward than to have to step backward. You will also want to ready your feet for take-off, instead of digging into your heels.

Footwork is extremely important in pickleball as it is with other racquet sports. Have a mental check at every service return you will have to make to be sure that you’re on your toes. This will give you a better chance to move forward when the service is short.

Third-Shot Drop Or Drive

If you’re a beginner or you remember being at a beginner level, points do not tend to go long. Someone either fumbles the service or service return. If those two shots go over smoothly, the third shot drop or drive usually ends the point. In contrast, you will see points play out with many shots back and forth at the pro level.

To level up in pickleball, you must be able to make the third shot. Whether you choose to drop or drive, make sure you’re practicing those shots. If you choose to drop the ball, give yourself plenty of margins to make it over the net. It is better for the ball to be high and make it over the net than to drop it straight into it.

Because once the ball is on the other side, your opponents can make an unforced error. Or it will buy you and your partner time to take a step towards the kitchen. You can also position yourself to defend against a possible attack. For more dropping mistakes and tips, check out the next article.

Read Next: Top Six Pickleball Dropping Mistakes

If you choose to drive the third shot, make sure you’re applying topspin to keep the ball low and inside the lines. Or you can aim at one of your opponent’s bodies and be prepared for a block. For many new rec players, a drive can either go into the net. Or way out of bounds of the court. That is why it is important to practice your drives so they make it past the net to where you want the shot to go.

More Pickleball Tips

One of the most important pickleball tips that are mentioned here is to practice and drill. All you need is a partner and a good number of balls so you don’t have to keep chasing them. Even if you can’t (or don’t want to) set the time to drill, taking warm-up shots before your game will help with the feel of taking the types of shots in pickleball that you will be using.

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