The One Rule In Pickleball Etiquette To Remember

Pickleball is a social game that brings together people with different backgrounds and abilities. When you’re playing at a public court, there are certain unspoken rules to abide by. However, there is one very important pickleball etiquette rule that you should remember.

PSA: The Number One Pickleball Etiquette Rule To Remember

If you have been playing pickleball for some time, you will surely have run into a player like this. They could be very kind and well-intentioned or just plain annoying. And that is someone who gives unsolicited pickleball advice on the court. It could be during a game or while you’re waiting to get on a court.

But giving unsolicited advice can be an overall negative for so many reasons, no matter how well-meaning you may be. If you or you know someone that tends to do this one faux pas in rec play, here are reasons why.

There Is More Than One Way To Play

When you’re learning how to play pickleball, you may be told the rules of the game such as the serving rule, double-bounce rule, etcetera. However, it could be as fundamental as how to hold a paddle. You will generally be told to hold your paddle in a continental grip so if you see a player hold their paddle differently, you may be tempted to give them advice.

However, remember that there is more than one way to play pickleball. That includes something as basic as how to hold a paddle. You can even find an example in Rylie Newman, who is one of the top pickleball pros in the world. There are a handful of other pros that hold their pickleball paddle like a ping-pong paddle.

So unless you’re specifically asked by that one player how they should hold their paddle or do a certain shot, refrain from giving them advice.

The Game Is Evolving

The past couple of years saw a huge insurgent of pickleball players and enthusiasts. Just a google trend search will show this increase in interest over the past 5 years than since a decade before that period.

We also have pro pickleball tournaments starting to broadcast to wider audiences on the Tennis Channel, CBS, and Fox Sports 1. With the sheer number of players being added to the sport and different players coming from other sports backgrounds, the game continues to evolve.

So strategies and play styles do not necessarily stay the same even if pickleball rules remain the same. Giving someone unsolicited advice on how they should play is a violation of pickleball etiquette.

Some Play Pickleball For Other Reasons

There are many reasons that people play pickleball. And those reasons are not necessarily to get better. Some play pickleball to lose weight or get their step goals in for the day. Others like the socializing aspect of playing at a public park.

Some may be new to town and want to meet friends. For many retired players with children that have moved out of the home, pickleball is a way to interact with other people. Or some may use pickleball to build or strengthen relationships.

Not everyone has the same goal of necessarily trying to get better in pickleball. Pickleball is used in so many ways and that is the beauty of the sport.

Some Already Take Lessons

For those that are serious about playing pickleball and getting better, some may already be taking lessons from a coach. And a pickleball coach will have a lot better insights and the specific goals that their students have.

Sometimes people will have conflicting advice on how a game should be played. So if you’re giving them advice that may be contrary to what their coach is telling them, it could be more harmful than good. They may already be working hard on their own time drilling and practicing specific shots at a rec game.

That is why it may be better to be asked for a piece of advice rather than to assume that the person you’re playing with wants it from you.

It Could Come Off Wrong To The Wrong Person

There are so many negative ways that unsolicited advice or coaching came off to the wrong person. That is why it is considered pickleball etiquette to refrain from doing so. Especially if you’re not a very high-level player or pro yourself. Imagine telling someone to make a certain shot to avoid a ball going into the net and then you yourself make the same mistake.

It could also come off as condescending and bring a mood shift to your partner that you may not be familiar with. Or it could make them overthink, which makes their game even worse. It is better to keep quiet to yourself during a game unless you know your partner well and know for a fact that they won’t mind you giving them advice.

If you’re the type of person that is passionate about helping others get better with pickleball, you can start by referring them to watch your pickleball pros YouTube channel. Or to share specific articles on the internet with them so the advice is not “from you”.

If it is regarding certain rules being questioned, you can refer them to the official Pickleball Rulebook. You can even build rapport with your pickleball community and work your way to becoming a coach.

More Pickleball Tips

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