Win Your Games: Pickleball Strategy For Beginners

Pickleball is undoubtedly fun but even more so when you win your games. But winning requires strategies that need you to work with your partner. Here’s a pickleball strategy for beginners to use in their next games.

Pickleball Strategy For Beginners

Take Time To Warm Up

When you first show up to a game, it could be tempting to jump in and start playing right away. A lot of people will dink a few times before saying”ready” and starting the game. But you may be surprised at your level of performance when you take the time to properly warm-up.

Certain shots require the feel and touch to make sure the ball makes it over the net or stays inbound. So make sure you’re warming up every shot that you will be using in the game. That includes serving, returning a serve, third shot drive or third shot drop, and dinking.

Go For High-Percentage Shots

You may have seen a lot of cool, fancy shots being used to win points. However, as a beginner, it is important to go for your high-percentage shots. High-percentage shots mean shots that you will make most of the time. Even if that means it is a simple dink crosscourt, instead of a fancy finishing drive.

Using your high-percentage shot will keep you in the point longer until your opponents eventually make unforced errors. Or until they prop the ball up to make a great putaway.

Move Your Feet

When you’re playing your game, make sure that you’re moving your feet with the ball. So if a ball is on the left side of the court, make sure you’re moving your feet along with where the ball is. You don’t want to stand still and reach for the ball.

By moving your feet to where the ball is, you’re giving yourself the best chance to return the ball with the most control. Once you return the ball, move back to your original position to be ready for the next ball.

Make Your Opponent Move

Like moving your feet, a great pickleball strategy for beginners all the way to advanced is to make your opponent move. That means looking for an area of the court that your opponents are not and hitting the ball to that area.

If your opponents are standing on each side, dink the ball to the corners or in the middle between them. Even if you’re trying to make your opponent take just one step, that one step makes a difference. Many people overreach instead of moving their feet to return a ball.

By making each shot a little harder to return, you’re setting yourself and your partner up to win the point. Either by a bad return from your opponents or by them eventually making an unforced error.

Don’t Assume, Communicate

It’s easy for many people to assume that in pickleball doubles, you cover one side while the other person covers their side. Or in some cases, it is always the forehand that takes the middle balls. However, not everyone may share the same sentiments.

Instead of assuming that your partner will get the middle ball with their forehand or that they will cover the ball on their side of the court, make sure you communicate. A simple “mine” or “yours” for balls that may not be obvious can make a difference. Eliminating any possible confusion through good communication can make the game play smoothly.

Always Be Ready

Before and after making each shot, make sure you’re always ready with your paddle up in front of you. Many people play pickleball reactively, waiting for their opponents to make a shot before they start moving.

However, look to play proactively, waiting to counter your opponent’s next move. When you’re ready for every ball to come back and to make your next shot, you’re one step ahead. You will not be caught by surprise.

More Pickleball Tips

The best way to level up from a beginner and win more games is to start incorporating drilling. Drilling means working on specific shots over and over again instead of playing a game. It will help you with the touch and feel of each shot so it becomes more automatic. All you need is a basket full of balls and a friend to hit with.

Read Next: How To Get Better At Pickleball Quick

Read Also: Top 10 Beginner Pickleball Mistakes

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