Strategies And Tips For Pickleball Mixed Doubles

Pickleball mixed doubles are one of the most popular and fun events to play. While it is still a doubles game, playing mixed doubles can be slightly different than playing gender doubles. Let’s go over some strategies and tips behind mixed doubles.

Mixed Doubles In Tournament Play

Target An Opponent

In pickleball doubles, it is no secret that you want to identify and then target your weaker opponent. A weaker opponent means the person that makes more mistakes, is slower, or with easier shots to handle. While it may not always be the case, the female partner is generally targeted in pickleball mixed doubles.

Whether you choose the male or female opponent, you and your partner will want to target the player that has a harder time returning the shots.

Poach The Right Shots

Poaching is very important in mixed doubles. You and your partner will need to have an understanding of who will take more shots and cover more of the court. While that is usually the male partner in mixed doubles, it does not have to be the case.

There are several reasons for poaching. The first is that it makes the return of shots being aimed at one player more unpredictable. For example, if almost all the balls are being aimed at the female and the male player moves in to hit those shots instead, it gives less time for your opponents to prepare and react.

Secondly, when the better player is able to cover the court well, it gives the opponents a smaller margin of area to hit to. You will see in pro and high-level mixed doubles tournaments that the male player will take over most of the court. It is generally because men are taller in stature with longer reach. They also generally hit harder.

You want the player with the stronger shots to take more shots so that returning those shots will be harder for your opponents.

Cover Your Partner

In pickleball doubles in general, you will want to move your opponents around in order to create gaps or opportunities to attack. Since your opponents will be doing the same, you will want to cover the gaps on your side of the court.

If your partner is poaching and running towards your area of the court, move to the opposite side to cover the area that they left open. To get both players back in position while the ball is in play, you will want to reset the ball. You normally do this by slowing down the game and dropping the ball into the kitchen so that it is not attackable.

Set Eachother Up For Winners

The goal of playing pickleball doubles is to work as a team in order to score points. One of the best ways to do this is by setting each other up for winners. Whether you’re the player to smash the ball for a putaway or one to cause your opponent to pop the ball up, take each shot with intention.

In pickleball mixed doubles, the female partner usually sets up the point for her partner to put away the ball. You and your partner should trust each other that should there be a speedup or return of a speedup, both of you are ready to counter.

Encourage Each Other

If you’re competitive by nature or competing in a tournament, emotions can run high during a match. But it is crucial that your team dynamic is one that is supportive and understanding. Mistakes will be made but rather than being upset, you will want to encourage your partner.

Read Also: How To Be A Good Pickleball Partner

Many people do not perform well under pressure in sports. They may also be prone to get nervous during tournaments, even if they normally play well in recreational games. Give your partner words of encouragement with each point. You may be surprised what positivity can do for your team.

More Pickleball Tips

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