Unwritten Rules Of Pickleball For Rec Play

For those introduced to the world of pickleball, it is undoubtedly a lot of fun. With players coming from so many backgrounds, it is important to know some etiquette involved. Here are the unwritten rules of pickleball for rec play, no matter where you’re playing across the globe.

Unwritten Rules Of Pickleball

Be Mindful Of Skill Level When You’re Smashing Balls

When you’re playing at a new court or with new people for the first time, be mindful of everyone’s skill levels. Even if you’re used to doing overhead smashes at your home court or with others you’re familiar with, you don’t want to do this at every place you play at.

Pickleball players come in all age groups with different abilities and backgrounds. You don’t want to smash balls at those who are more restrictive physically or are not as experienced.

Don’t Call Out Balls At The Other Side Of The Court

When it comes to balls that land on the other side of the court, you must allow the players on that side to make the calls. Perception can be deceiving when balls land on the baseline or sidelines.

With you being further from when the ball lands, it is up to the players that are closest to the lines to make the calls. While pickleball is meant to be a fun game in rec play, there is a level of integrity required to call balls correctly. If in doubt, call the ball in rather than out.

Keep in mind that older players may not also have the best sight. Give people the benefit of the doubt and allow them to make calls that are on their side of the court. When it comes to you making the calls, it is better to be generous. Call balls in that you’re not sure of, rather than calling them out.

Don’t Talk During The Point

Unless you’re playing with your group of friends, make sure you’re not asking questions or talking during the point. It can throw off your concentration or your partner’s. You want to make sure you’re focused on the ball and the point.

Talking can be both distracting and bothersome for most people. While it may not seem like a big deal in rec play, it can be bothersome for those that are more serious to play in tournaments.

Don’t Hog The Ball

If you’re an intermediate to advanced player and you’re playing with a beginner, make sure you’re not hogging all the balls. You must allow other players to get hits and gain experience. Even if that means allowing them to make mistakes.

You can wait for a rotation of better players in other games, rather than to take all the balls from a beginner. Everyone started playing pickleball with some type of racquet sport experience, general athleticism, or none of the above. Allow everyone to have a shot and more importantly, to have fun.

Rotate In People That Are Waiting

Every once in a while, you may run across a snotty group of people that refuses to rotate those that are outside of their pickleball-friend group. In a public court, don’t be that person. People come to public courts to play, no matter what their skill levels may be. Give everyone a chance to rotate in if they’re looking to play.

You don’t necessarily need to play down but pickleball is a social game. That is what attracts so many new players to pickleball. Games are generally quick anyways, especially when there is a skill gap between players.

More Tips

For additional tips on pickleball etiquette, check out the next article below.

Read Also: Pickleball Etiquette: 6 Pet Peeves That Makes You Look Like A Jerk On The Court

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