Tips To Play More Consistent Pickleball

Making simple mistakes in a game of pickleball can be both frustrating and discouraging. The good news is there is a solution. Here are key tips you need to know to play more consistent pickleball so you can have more fun and level up your game.

How To Play More Consistent Pickleball

Get Back To The Basics

To play more consistent pickleball, you must get your basic shots first. This means having good form on your groundstrokes, getting all your serves in, and being able to return your serves without going out of bounds. While the basics may seem overly simple, you may be surprised by how many of them are often missed.

If you’re playing your next rec game, it may help to keep count of how many times these basic hits are missed by you and your partner. Surprisingly, even the pros miss their serves and returns. Although, a lot more rarely than us regular Joes.

Reduce Variability

Reducing variability means hitting your shot the same way each time. Whether that is turning your body a certain way, rotating your shoulder, or splitting your steps each time the ball is in contact with your opponent’s paddle.

Some people may take several steps or breath before serving every time. Whether it is saying a word of affirmation or breathing out as your paddle contacts the ball, sticking to a routine will reduce variability and allow you to play more consistent pickleball.

If you’re playing pickleball outdoors, elements that are out of your control such as wind may affect how the game plays. To reduce variability in your game, check the wind and look for a flag or windsock. You can also check which direction the net is blowing or toss the ball up in the air.

If the wind is coming against you, you may want to hit harder to get the ball in. If the wind is behind you, you may have to back up to serve or only tap the ball softly to keep the ball from going out of bounds. Doing your part to reduce variability in your personal game will help you play more consistent pickleball.

Go For The High Percentage Shot

While going for the high percentage shot may not be the most exciting or sexiest, it is a pillar to playing more consistent pickleball. Those with other racket sports backgrounds tend to love trying fancy shots like slicing to apply different spins to the ball. However, many of those shots tend to either be too short, are ineffective against the opponent as they’d hoped, or go out of bounds.

Similarly, trying to go down the sidelines is a risky move when you may not have a lot of control yet. Going for the high-percentage shot means that you will get the ball in to make the point last longer. The longer the points go, the more chance it will be for your opponents to make unforced errors.

If you have a weak backhand, as most beginners to pickleball do, take a step to take the ball with your forehand. By going for high-percentage shots, you’re reducing the chances of unforced errors that you make. When you’re no longer making easy mistakes from dinking, dropping into the net, or hitting balls out, you can learn to make more advanced shots.

Read Next: Fundamental Pickleball Strategies To Improve Your Game

Drill, Drill, Drill!!!

The last and most important tip for playing more consistent pickleball is to drill. Drilling allows you to work on those shots that you’re not comfortable with. If you’re not getting most of your serves in, you will want to be practicing serving from each side. While serving may seem simple, practicing to get them in 100% of the time during a game takes intentionality and consistency.

If you have a weak backhand, you will want to drill using your backhand until your body gets the muscle memory to comfortably take those shots. If you want faster hands for volleys, you will want to drill volleys to increase your reflexes and reaction time. Volleys are one of the only drills that do not require a partner because you can use a wall.

Make sure you have a basket worth of balls for your drill sessions so you and your partner don’t have to keep chasing balls. Making your drill sessions easy, intentional, and fun will allow you to get better and play more consistent pickleball.

Last Tips

If you’re looking to level up in your pickleball journey, make sure to check out the next few tips in the article below.

Read Also: 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Better At Pickleball

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