How To Get Better At Pickleball Quick

For most of us that started playing pickleball or are playing regularly, wanting to get better at the sport is a common feeling. But you may wonder how you can get to the next level from being able to play at a competent level to actually being good. Here are tips you can do to get better at pickleball quickly.

How To Get Better At Pickleball Quick

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition!

The number one way to get better at pickleball quickly is to have the repetition for the hits that you will be using. Repetition allows you to have muscle memory and feel for the shots and to make those shots consistently. In order to get the repetition, you will have to drill.

If you’re only playing rec games, you will not get enough hits no matter how often you play, especially playing doubles. If you count out the number of hits that you get during a rec game, it will only be a few before the point is over because the ball is being passed between four players.

Unless there are a ton of side-outs and you’re all evenly matched, you will only get to serve or return once and drop or drive a handful of times during each point. When you’re drilling, you can hit the ball as many times as you like. You can serve a basket full of up to 50 balls. You can aim to drop the ball as many times in a row as you’d like.

Think of drilling for 1 hour to be equal to or greater than playing 3 hours a day playing a rec game. If you have 5 hours a week to play pickleball, spending most of those hours drilling will help you get better much quicker.

Repeating the same shots over and over again will make you more and more comfortable making those shots. Before you know it, making those shots will be more second nature.

Targeted Practice

In order to have more control, placement, and touch of the ball, make it easier for yourself to visualize what you’re aiming for. The best way to do this is to place targets on the court when you’re drilling and practicing. Targets are light and portable to carry and provide visual cues on the court.

If you’re practicing your serves, you can place targets on the court at a certain point. And then move them narrower toward the baseline as you get better with your aim to have deeper serves.

You can also do this with your third-shot drop practice by placing targets in the corners and middle of the kitchen on your opponent’s side. No matter what shot you may be working on, you can apply the same principle and use the targets to improve your placement.

Play With Purpose

Once you have the repetition and targeted practice down, it’s time to put them to use in a rec game. Instead of aiming to win the match, choose a specific shot to work on. Don’t worry about losing points or making the shot. Be conscious to use and make that shot that you picked.

For example, if you’re working on your drops, only allow yourself to drop every ball that comes to you, even if you rather drive the ball. If you’re working on lobbing, try to lob at least once during the point. And if you’re working on attacking, try to attack every ball so you know which balls are attackable and which ones are not.

If you have a weak backhand as most pickleball players do, you can walk around your forehand and take every ball that comes at you with your backhand.

Even if you easily make those shots during a practice drill, there is a different pressure that is added when you’re playing a game. So you may find yourself missing seemingly easy shots and put-aways. By playing with the purpose of working on a specific shot each match, you will be able to improve on those shots.

More Pickleball Tips

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