How To Be A Good Pickleball Partner

Playing doubles is extremely popular in pickleball. That is why being a good pickleball partner is so important, whether you’re playing a rec game, a league, or a tournament. Here are tips you must know to be the best pickleball doubles partner that you can be.

How To Be A Good Pickleball Partner

Be In Control Of Your Emotions

Pickleball can be a source of joy but it can easily become a source of frustration for many. That is whether at your opponent, your partner or at yourself. But when you lose control of your emotions during or after a game, it can make others uncomfortable. You don’t want to be the person muttering or shouting obscenity, throwing your paddle, or slamming it anywhere else.

Everyone wants to win as much as they hate to lose. While human nature shows itself on the court, you don’t want to be off-putting to your pickleball partner. You want to be a source of positivity and sportsmanship. Learning to lose with grace can be just as important as winning.

You also want to play one point at a time and let go of the last mistake. Keep your focus on what’s happening in the next point, rather than dwell on an easy mistake that you can’t reverse time to undo.

Don’t Poach Unless You And Your Partner Have An Understanding

Poaching can be controversial so make sure you and your partner are on the same page. In tournament and league play, you may see poaching commonly done in mixed doubles. But it is normally understood among mixed double partners.

If you’re in a rec game though, be respectful of your partner and ask them prior to the game if they mind your poaching. Some people do not mind poaching as long as the poach puts away the point.

But if you’re consistently poaching, just to hit the ball into the net or hit it out, it can easily frustrate your pickleball partner. If you’re playing with someone you’re not familiar with, it is best to allow them a chance to return the balls coming to them. Even if that means your team may lose, you want your partner to have a chance to play.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

It is no secret that communication is key when it comes to playing pickleball doubles. Unless you regularly play with the same pickleball partner, communicate which shots you will be taking and which ones they should take. This is especially important for balls that land in the middle.

If you know a ball will go out, call out “OUT”. Or if you want your partner to bounce the ball first on a lob to see if it will land in or out of the court, call out “BOUNCE”. To let your partner know to cover your side of the court while you’re going after a ball on their side, let them know to “SWITCH”.

It is also important to know your partner’s skills and weaknesses. If you notice that their backhand is not great but the ball is closer to their side of the court, communicate that you can get those shots back with your forehand. Or if they move slower, call out “MINE” if you will be hustling to return those balls.

Be Encouraging

Your attitude can make a huge difference to allow your partner to relax or be tense the whole game. Mistakes will inevitably happen in a game of pickleball, whether it is an easy one or from an unforced error. But be encouraging to your partner when they fumble.

If you’re positive, it will allow them to enjoy the game without worrying about you getting mad or being frustrated. If your partner or even opponents make a good shot, let them know. Your opponents can become your next partner in the next rotation.

And take accountability when you accidentally prop the ball up or set your partner up for a bad shot. Simple encouraging phrases such as “no worries”, “nice try”, or “sorry, that was my fault” can make a big difference to you and your partner’s dynamic.

Make Playing Fun

Playing pickleball should be fun. That is why we all love and play the game. So make playing fun for your partner and everyone playing. In rec games, that may mean not just picking on the weaker player over and over again. Or coaching your partner or other players that may not want your advice.

Have fun playing without taking yourself so seriously. Try your best to compliment your partner’s skills and weaknesses. Focus on the points and make it fun for your partner to play with you.

More Pickleball Tips

If you find yourself lacking in certain shots playing doubles, practice them in a drilling session so that you can play better and therefore become a better pickleball partner. Drilling is so important in order to level up your game. All you need is a friend and invest in a caddy and a good amount of balls. For more pickleball tips and strategies, check out the next few articles.

Read Also: Pickleball Etiquette: 6 Pet Peeves That Makes You Look Like A Jerk On The Court

Read Next: Pickleball Strategy For Doubles

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