Basic Pickleball Drills To Practice For Beginners

If you’re learning how to play pickleball, you may wonder what are some things you can do to get better. The answer is to do some pickleball drills so that you can get used to the touch and make those shots required to play pickleball. Here are some basic pickleball drills for beginners that you can do with a friend or in some cases, a wall.

Basic Pickleball Drills For Beginners

In order to drill smoothly and not have to constantly pick up balls, have multiple balls on hand. A caddy is also extremely helpful to pick up the ball. Having visible targets will also help with your aim.

Groundstroke Drills

The most important part of playing pickleball is being able to do basic groundstrokes. You need to have hand-eye coordination for hitting the ball with your paddle. This is especially important if you don’t come from any sports background. You will want to get a feel for how hard you will need to hit the ball with your paddle for the type of shot you want.

You can simply hit back and forth with a friend or you can even use a wall. If you’re on a pickleball court, start on the left side of the court, which would be the right side for your partner to stand directly across from them. Hit the ball back and forth 15-25 times. Then, move to the right side of the court while your partner stays in place and repeat hitting basic groundstrokes crosscourt back and forth 15-25 times.

Your partner will then move to the left side of their court to be directly in front of you again. Repeat groundstrokes 15-25 times. Then, shift back to your left to be crosscourt from your partner and repeat groundstrokes 15-25 times.

Serving Drills

Being able to serve is essential to playing pickleball. Getting your serve in requires practice. Place your targets forming a parallel line with the baseline about halfway to the kitchen line. Stand on one side of the court with your basket full of balls.

Aim to get your serve in towards the halfway portion of the back. Set goals for yourself to have 50% of your serves in with your basket. Then increase to 75% then 90% and so on.

Dinking Drills

Dinking or hitting the ball soft enough to land on your opponent’s kitchen requires touch. Dinking is so important in pickleball because it makes the ball unattackable. While dinking may seem easy, it is one of the easiest mistakes to make during a game. Even at the pro levels.

You will want repetition to have muscle memory. Like the ground stroke drills, stand directly across from your partner at the kitchen line. Dink the ball back and forth 15-25 times. Then go crosscourt on one side and repeat dinking back and forth on your forehand side. Repeat on the other side of the court directly across from each other, followed by crosscourt on your backhand side.

Volley Drills

Volleys require fast hands but even if you don’t have them yet, you can develop the skills. Stand at the kitchen line directly across from your partner. Hit the ball back and forth in the air, without allowing the ball to bounce.

Strive to hit the ball five to ten times each without letting the ball bounce. Repeat on the other side of the court. And then crosscourt for your forehand and backhand side.

More Pickleball Tips

Read Next: Top 10 Beginner Pickleball Mistakes

Read Also: How To Choose A Pickleball Paddle

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