5 Lesser-Known Pickleball Tournament Rules That Will Cost You Points

Even if you’ve been playing pickleball for some time, there may be unfamiliar rules that you may not have run into in rec play. If you’re about to enter a pickleball tournament, it is important that you know what the official rules are. Here are five lesser-known pickleball tournament rules that you must know so you’re not giving away points. This article will refer to the official USA Pickleball Rulebook.

Lesser-Known Pickleball Tournament Rules You Must Know

1. Serving From The Wrong Side Is A Fault

A lot can go on during a game. But this is especially true when it comes to playing at tournaments. You may find yourself more nervous or pressured than you thought you would be. However, make sure you make a mental check before every single service. Ask yourself if you and your partner are on the correct side of the court.

If you started on the right side of the court at the beginning of the game, make sure you’re standing on the right side at every score that is even. But if your partner is serving from the right side, make sure your score is an odd number. If not, you will need to switch positions. Otherwise, it is considered a fault against your team and it will be a side-out.


Read Also: Never Lose Track Scores In Pickleball Again With This Tip

2. Body Shots Count As A Fault

If you’re receiving a service, make sure you’re giving yourself plenty of room to receive a deep serve. Even if you suspect or know that the service will be out, back up and allow the ball to bounce first. Otherwise, if you touch the ball before it bounces in any way, it is considered a fault.

You don’t want your feet or any part of your body to accidentally touch the ball before it bounces. Even if you purposely caught the ball from having to chase it, your opponents (or opponent in singles) will win the point.

Reference Rule: SECTION 7 – FAULT RULES 7. G, 7.H, 7.I, 7.J, 7.L

3. Do Not Correct A Wrong Score After Service

When you’re at rec play, there is no hard rule about questioning or correcting the wrong score being called while the point is in play. If you’re playing with a group of people that you’re familiar with, they can stop the play. They could even give your team a re-do and start the point over.

However, during tournament play, you should stop the conversation and focus on the point once the service has started. Even if your opponent called the wrong score, play the point out first and then correct them after. If the service has not started, you may ask for a stop play and ask for a correction. If your opponent did not hear you or ignored you and they started the serve anyways, continue to play instead of losing the point.

Reference Rule: Wrong Score Called (4.K)

4. Swinging Twice Is Allowed

While there is not specific rule regarding a player swinging twice or multiple times. As long as the player’s paddle did not contact the ball before swinging again, a player may swing again after missing it the first time. This applies whether a player tried contacting the ball in the air, missing it, and then hitting it after the bounce.

Or if the ball bounced and the player missed the ball in their first attempt. But the ball is still in the air for a second attempt at paddle contact. Continue to play the point if you’re unsure, instead of stopping. You can settle any uncertainty after a putaway from either team. Otherwise, you risk losing the point if you’ve purposely stopped the point and it turned out that you’re wrong in the end.

5. Do Not Use Profanity

While pickleball is a huge source of joy, a game could be extremely frustrating. You may be frustrated at your opponents, your partner, or even yourself. Emotions can run high during a game. However, it is extremely important to keep your composure during tournament play. Especially when there is a referee present.

If there is a referee, they will be able to issue a verbal warning. And there is only one verbal warning per match that will be given to a team or a player in singles. Using profanity repeatedly may cost you the whole game. Some players, including the pros, have a routine to center their mental state during a game. It is an often-overlooked point when it comes to playing any competitive sport.

Reference Rule: Verbal Warnings (13.G.1)

More Pickleball Tournament Tips

Pickleball tournaments can be a great experience for so many reasons. Whether you win or lose, it can be used positively to gauge where you’re at and what you may need to work on. Knowing the official pickleball tournament rules can be very helpful. Especially when it comes to situations that you may never have run into before.

For more pickleball tournament tips, check out the next few articles below.

Read Next: Entering A Pickleball Tournament? What You Should Know Before Signing Up

Read Also: Playing In Your First Pickleball Tournament? 8 Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success

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